Lanto Griffin Directs $10,000 to Junior Golf Scholarship Fund
Each year at the PGA Tour’s Travelers Championship, the event puts on a fun “closest to the pin” contest for players during Tuesday’s practice round. The shot is approximately 80 yards to a small red Travelers logo umbrella in the middle of a pond.
Yesterday, Lanto Griffin won the closest to the pin contest! As a result, Travelers enabled him to make a $10,000 donation to the charity of his choice.
Lanto chose The Roanoke Valley Golf Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund. As a college student, The RVGHOF helped Lanto with scholarship money towards his college costs and he was thrilled to return the favor this week. The RVGHOF offers college scholarships to Roanoke area, junior golfers, regardless of their skill level.

Lanto was joined bye Travelers’ Chief Administrative Officer Andy Bessette and Tournament Director Nathan Grube for the check presentation.